
Anxiety Relief

“I can’t say enough good things about the Anxiety Relief Remedy. I use on my German Shepherd. Casey is 100+lbs & is afraid of any loud noises, storms in particular and this remedy is a “dream”. It does take a little> while to get thru her system, but it eventually relaxes her enough not making her “drugged” as prescriptions have in the past. I’ve learned how to time it just right when I forsee an event taking place. With just a squeeze of this liquid, her troubles are over! And mine along with her! I’ve shared this with many friends & have them hooked. Thank you for peace of mind for my pride and joy. . . & me!”
Linda K.

“I just began using Homeopet Anxiety yesterday for my dog who is terrified of thunderstorms. There was a nasty storm this evening and even though she was scared, she was NOT nearly as terrified as she usually is! It is working and I’m so happy. Thank you!” H.

“I am so grateful to have found Homeopet Anxiety. I have 2 rescue dogs that are both on that product. A beagle and an older black lab. Homeopet reduced their anxiety and made them adoptable and manageable pets. Plus,your prices are so reasonable. Thank you!” Susan and Tom

“I am so pleased to tell you that your Anxiety product has been enormously helpful to my beagle who was attacked by two large dogs at a charity and afraid to attend doggy events. He won 2 grand champion awards after using HomeoPet Anxiety. Thank you for this added dimension to our animal care.” E.I.

“Two of my Skye terriers hate being groomed and bathed, however, Anxiety makes a real difference in calming them and me — thanks for a great product!” Maria Conner, Groomer, PA

“I wanted to let you know, I used Cough on my Lab mix who came down with something from the boarding facility, and we were worried considering another dog had died. 3-4 days with Cough and it went away and she’s been fine ever since!”
Eric – Little Mountain Farm Supply

“Your Homeopet for Cough has truly been a godsend for us. Our 17-year-old chihuhua has been suffering and your product has helped him immensely. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for having created such an exceptional product. Truly grateful!!!”
Irma Brown

Feline Digestive Upsets

“I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you what a great experience I had with your Feline Digestive Upsets product. My cat Monster stopped eating and was vomiting up bile, and was miserable. I took her to the vet who could not find anything wrong, but gave her Cerenia and Famotidine which helped for a day. Once I looked up theses drugs I was not happy as we are a family who prefers a more holistic approach to health and wellness. I cannot tell you how happy I was to come across your product. I only gave Monster one dose and she’s back to her normal self. She’s eating, drinking and back to her old self again! Yay! This stuff is a miracle! Thank you so much for healing my favorite black cat. It’s means a lot to me. I will be purchasing more of your products in the future after seeing such terrific results with Monster and I will spread the word to all my pet owner friends. I cannot thank you enough for your wonderful and natural healing remedies.”
Sincerely, Nancy Teliski

Feline UTI+

My male cat blocks and gets utis all the time. I’ve tried many different remedies and diet changes over the past year to no avail. I came across this new product and thought I would give it a try. I give my 21lb. Kitty 5 drops a day and so far no blockages. Wish this would have been available sooner as this could of saved him a lot of misery and me a lot of money. Hope this helps someone.” Susan Zimmerman

“My cat suffers from chronic utis. He has been blocked twice and had to be rushed to another state to have emergency PU surgery (very expensive!). The surgery does not cure his problem, just ensures that he will no longer have blockages. He still gets frequent infections (usually 2x/month) that still require veterinary visits (also expensive). Since I have started this product, he has not been to the vets once! I have him on a maintenance program of once a day and if he starts to exhibit symptoms, I increase the number of dosages. The only problem is getting it into him. He REALLY doesn’t like it so I’ve been syringing it into his mouth with a little water. This product has saved me hundreds of dollars so far and relieved a lot of stress.” Kindle Customer

“My cat Milo had a UTI Blockage and stayed at the Vet hospital for 7 days with no success in getting him to urinate on his own. They expressed his bladder periodically to remove the urine. I was told that they had done all they could do and now they only thing that might help would be a $2000+ surgery with only a small chance of sucess. The HomeoPet UTI arrived Friday, the very afternoon that he was to come home still having this very serious problem! I was very worried, however I also had great hope the remedy would work due to a recent deeper understanding as to why homeopathy ‘works’ coupled with several wonderful testimonies I had read! I got Milo home about 7 pm and started the treatment at 8pm for acute cases at 8 drops every 15 minutes for the next 1 1/2 hours, then every hour a dose. Lo and behold at about midnight, he peed a marble sided clump in his cat litter, then 10 minutes later he peed a golfball sized clump!!! Shocking, and after the week of worry I had been through, I was literally jumping for joy!!! I also immediately started giving him subQ fluids at home and continued dosing HomeoPet UTI 3 X day for 2-3 more days. The next morning he was peeing large normal sized clumps, praise God! And I did praise Him! That was several months ago, and I have only dosed him once since then as it says use when needed. If you have similar problem, please don’t hesitate to try this!” Karen Merrow

Fireworks (Formerly Anxiety TFLN)

“Love your products. Couldn’t survive the summer without the TFLN. I have a thunder phobic Border Collie that tries to dig to China through my bathtub. The TFLN works quickly and calms her fears enough she is able to remain unkenneled and interact with the household.” Thanks from GloryB and Mom Fran

“I have a 10 year old Old English Sheepdog who (for his whole life) has been terrified anytime there is a thunderstorm.Your Anxiety TFLN drops were recommended to ease his fear/anxiety.With just one dose, he went from shaking, teeth chattering, panting, hyperventilating, pacing to sitting relatively calmly by my side!I wish I had known of your product sooner and not made him suffer through the storms that are his worst nightmare – thank you for an amazing product!I also recommended it to a lady I work with whose dog experiences the same degree of terror during thunderstorms and she has also purchased it.” Suzanne F.

“My golden retriever is afraid of thunderstorms and loud noises, the Anxiety TFLN formula works great. Thanks for an excellent product and for your help.” J.M.

“Daniel, we want to thank you for a wonderful product. “Jesse” is like a new dog since we used HomeoPet Anxiety. “Jesse” used to be terrified of Thunderstorms, but just a few drops of the Anxiety TFLN remedy and she calms right down.” Tom and Paula, FL

Joint Stress

“My 10-year old black Labrador, Minuit, had been stiff for many months and I had been giving her aspirin once a day. Recently, I purchased your Self-Help Joint Stress formula. I am astounded at the incredible difference it has made. Minuit is twice as perky and active. She has no problem walking upstairs anymore and has a very content look in her eyes. Your Joint Stress formula really works! Thank you so much!”
Christine Martin, East Hampton, NY

Digestive Upsets

My son rescued a cat that was having a hard time holding down food. In just a few days on your Digestive Upsets, the cat was eating well and putting on weight.”
Dr. Cohen, New Jersey

I just wanted to say thank you. Purchasing your Digestive Upsets drops was the best sixteen dollars I have spent. My cat Oliver has a fetish with plastic. Although my husband and I do our best to keep plastic bags and things of the like picked up he managed to eat some the other day and after throwing up and then refusing to eat it was apparent he may have an intestinal blockage. After going to the vet and given the okay to be put on home care I decided to go to my local pet store and see what I could do for the lil guy to help him not feel so queasy until he either threw up the rest of the plastic, or passed it. I found the HomeoPet drops and they worked like a charm. Ollie was able to keep food down long enough to push whatever was in, out. Thank you so much! You have helped my kitty avoid an unpleasant situation and saved me a lot of stressful times.”
Sincerest thanks, Jennifer S.

Leaks No More

“I wish to thank your company sincerely for your products! With the help of the Leaks No More and the anxiety relief I was able to keep my 14 year old as comfortable as possible until it was time to say goodbye. My pup Emily and I say THANK YOU!” Virginia Webster

“I’d be more than happy to complete the questionnaire. Leaks No More has been such a god send for us! It’s so upsetting having a little dog who, at only 6 years old, is having accidents in her sleep. She’s always slept on our bed, so we were really upset at the thought that we might have to start keeping her in a seperate room at night, but now she’s all cuddled up with us and we don’t have to worry about it at all! It’s such a comfort as well, as when we’d looked in to the more “traditional” medicines to solve this problem, the possible side effects were quite horrific! She’s always been a very slight westie, so the potential for her to stop eating, stop sleeping, etc was really worrying. We’re just so pleased we found a product that really works for her!” Michaela F.

“When Jenny first had accidents we did not know what was happening. She used to hang her head in shame, we really felt bad when we had to gate her into the kitchen on newspapers. Now with your Leaks No More, the leaking has stopped and Jenny is sleeping in her brand new bed.” Anne H., San Francisco

“I just wanted to contact you regarding your leaks no more product. Maisie, one of my westies, was having accidents indoors, and we felt awful as we were beginning to lose patience with her. She was going on the sofa, on our bed, even on me! And we were becoming desperate. We saw your product advertised and thought it wouldn’t hurt to try. What a difference! It worked for her right from the first day, and she’s not had an accident since. Now she just has one dose a day and we have had no more problems. I’m now able to enjoy my evening cuddles with her on the sofa without worrying and she’s a lot happier too! Thank you so so much,” Ki F. Eastbourne, East Sussex, England

“You kindly sent me a bottle of Leaks no more to try on my little Westie Penny ( 14yrs in April ) and I promised to let you know how she is getting on.

Before treatment she was involuntarily weeing huge amounts, pools of clear urine on the floor regularly – like a litre or more at a time. She was drinking inordinate amounts of water.

She also has a long term fibroma which causes her difficulties walking because of its position at the top of leg and she tends to be very, very stiff and cannot walk much without panting. In short when the weeing started, I felt that if I brought her to the vet it would be curtains for Penny! I was very worried about her she seemed to be falling apart.

Leaks no more has given Penny a new lease of life.  The pools of wee are no more!  They stopped very quickly… within days of starting the remedy, there are now very few accidents.

Apart from this, there also has been a noticeable change in Penny’s demeanour she seems more active, hopping out of her basket easily – before she was so stiff it was a struggle for her to get out of her basket. This, I think, was causing other weeing accidents to happen as she was so immobile.

She is more playful and engaged. She now wants to come on little walks and there is no panting.

She is behaving like she did 3 years ago!

As a homeopath myself I wondered about this added and unexpected improvement and seeing the causticum and alumina in the ingredients and knowing that these remedies also help with stiffness and old age I understand that the remedies are doing more than what it says on the tin!

I continue to give it to Penny twice daily. I am thrilled with this product and the improvement it has made. I would highly recommend it if any dog has any leaky issues. Old and leaky this has to be tried. I’m truly so grateful and feel I have my little dog back!” Pauline O’Reilly, Dublin


Skin And Itch

Skin And Itch has been a blessing to both my sweet dog and me. Thank you.” C. Hunt

Hot Spots

“As our company is owned and operated by veterinarians, the positive results from the Hot Spots remedy are really welcomed by our members and their clients.”
James K. Spratt, MVB, MRCVS

Skin and Seborrhea

“Pets living in Arizona suffer from itching, scratching and chewing that only Skin & Seborrhea has helped provide real relief.” Sandra Goober Pet Co., AZ

“Before we used Skin & Seborrhea, Zachary’s skin problems caused him to become listless and he would no longer play with me or his favorite toys. Since he has been on your Skin & Seborrhea, his skin has cleared up, his coat is thick and shiny and now he is an active, playful dog again.” Gayle Montgomery, NJ

Nose Relief

“My poor cat’s nose was constantly running and almost raw. In just a few days it cleared up nicely. Thank You.” David, NY

An Anxiety Case Study

The following is a case study of Dodger an English Bull Terrier, written by Rodger Mugford.

Dodger is a 1-1/2 year old English Bull Terrier of good parentage and fine physique. His elderly master Ronald Place was at a public house in south London, grieving the recent death of his wife Brenda. Dodger was his comfort at this time, but unfortunately an altercation developed with some passing youths, though no one was injured by Dodger. For no good reason, they maliciously called the police, who intervened as though this was a major community incident. Numerous police officers arrived, and one in particular ran up to Mr. Place and attempted to fix handcuffs to this frail gentleman. There is a dispute about whether or not Dodger then injured the policeman, but suffice it to say that Dodger was taken away from Mr. Place in a rough and ready fashion (being stretched between two gasping poles), whilst Mr. Place was painfully handcuffed to the extent that his arm was broken.

Nine months later, I was sent by solicitors to see Dodger at a police station, to which he had been transported from a poorly-managed boarding kennel in Surrey.

Dodger did not seem to recognize that I was on his side and repeatedly attempted to attack me through the bars of his cage in the police van. He was obviously stressed by the transport experience and who knows what other adverse experiences had been metered out to him in the problematic civilian kennels. I could see that his upper canines had both been sheared off, that the tip of his tail was injured and bleeding.

I had a job to do, which was to uate whether or not Dodger constituted a danger to the public were he to be returned to his owner. I could not make that uation through cage wire. Fear was the emotion that drove Dodger’s aggression towards me, so I administered 15 drops of HomeoPet Anxiety medicine.

This is an FDA claim approved combination homeopathic medicine. Its seven ingredients Chamomile, Valeriana, Borax, Cyp. Pubescens, Ignatia Amara, Colchicum Autumnale, Veratrum Album.

I had previously had remarkable results dealing with more conventional dog behavior cases where fear was the issue. However, no patients were quite so desperate as was the terrified and traumatized Dodger. We kept the video camera rolling, as I always do during these dangerous dog examinations. Within a couple of minutes Dodger lay down, then within five minutes he stopped growling and stopped hurling himself at the wire. Within ten minutes he was wagging his tail, so I put my hand into the cage and he sniffed it. I slipped on a lead and Dodger came out like a lamb.

The rest of our examination with Dodger was uneventful and I concluded that he was a delightful dog who most certainly should be returned by the courts to his owner. Thankfully, Judge Welchman accepted my evidence and he was so ordered to be returned to his owner. Unfortunately, enormous veterinary bills still confront Mr. Place for dental repair, surgical castration (on my advice), micro-chipping (required by the court) and so on. Mr. Place is a man of few means but he has a great need for the company of this dog. I have no doubt that without the homeopathic anxiolytic, Dodger would not have been given this second chance by the court.

Dr. Mugford is an internationally recognized author and lecturer to animal trainers globally. Dr. Mugford has even been called in to work with the royal dogs.