It was late on a cold and dark Sunday evening, just 4 days after Christmas 2019 when Tiny and Charlie arrived on Jenny’s doorstep. The front gate bell rang and a young couple said they’d found two little dogs wandering alone on the road and asked did they belong here. They did not at the time, but they definitely do now.
Jenny’s one of our marketing team and is a dedicated animal lover, like all of us here at HomeoPet. But with 5 horses and 4 cats at the time, a full time job and a husband who (despite his love of animals) had a slightly less positive attitude to increasing the animal population on the premises any further, initially the couple were told that no, the then nameless dogs were not known. The kind couple lived in an apartment where dogs were not allowed (or so they said…!), so the little ginger fox terrier and even littler black and tan were made a bed, given some cat food (all that was available) and secured in a stable overnight.

In the morning ‘the boys’ were given a thorough check over. Both were extremely thin and were wearing no collars, but were bright and friendly and devoured everything in front of them. A trip to the local vet revealed no microchips, identified and treated a heavy worm burden, but other than that they were in good health, despite being significantly under nourished. However, it was found that the ginger had a scar running all the way over his back and around his chest, where he’d quite likely been tied up with a rope that had cut into his skin and caused a permanent reminder of his possible previous treatment.

Both dogs were young and the vet suggested that it was likely that the pup (now called Tiny) had been bred for the ‘Christmas market’, failed to sell and were dumped out on the road, together with the slightly older ginger (now Charlie) who was probably just deemed an inconvenience. A heartless and cruel act that has no place in our world. Photos were taken to be put on the vet notice board and shared locally and on social media in an attempt to find them a good home, as Jenny was told that under no circumstances could the dogs stay!

Given the time of year no adoptive home was found (though if she were being honest, she really didn’t try very hard!) and Jenny refused to bring the dogs to ‘the pound’ or a local rescue as she was afraid a good home would not be found or that they would have to be separated. The boys were obviously incredibly attached to each other and though initially scared and timid, they quickly turned into happiest, friendliest dogs you could ever encounter. Which just goes to show the resilience of the spirit of dogs and the forgiveness they are capable of, given everything that they must have been through.

About a month later Jenny finally managed to convince her husband that Tiny and Charlie were going to stay. The cats were not (and still are not) particularly enthusiastic about their rather energetic new big brothers, whose favourite game is chase! But life has settled down and now, 7 months later, life could not be imagined without this dynamic duo. Their energy, enthusiasm and love of life is infectious and Jenny’s husband has finally agreed that it was the right thing to keep them and give them a forever home!
Taking an animal in need into your home is a wonderful thing. Not only are you possibly saving a life, but you could also be changing your own, for the better.