HomeoPet Research Panel
Here at HomeoPet we continually look to grow and improve our product range and we do this through leading edge research, clinical trials and continual feedback. At the front line of this research is, of course, our customers.
If you are an ongoing user of HomeoPet products or indeed have used any of our medications in the recent past, we would very much welcome the opportunity to engage with you and add you to our panel of informed users. If you have used any HomeoPet medicines on your small pets or larger animals and would be interested in assisting us with our research, please fill in your details below and we will be back in touch with you very soon. We would love you to be part of our continual progress.
Participation has its BENEFITS, so come join our team!
Simply fill in your details below and we will be in touch.
Please note
Your agreement to take part in any study is entirely voluntary. You may withdraw your pet at any time without giving any reason. However, if you can give us a reason it might help us in future studies.
Any information you supply about yourself, and your pet for any research is completely confidential and will not be used for any other purpose without your consent.