• Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice and principles, not based on modern medical theory or practice. 

  • Bones and Raw Food diet case studies – the evidence behind the science

    Our dogs are designed to eat meat. And they’re designed to eat it raw. In a previous post, Tom Farrington MVB MRCVS VetMFHom – Chief Veterinary Medical Advisor for HomeoPet – gave an overview of what a raw food diet is and why you should feed it to your dog. But it’s not just theory. Tom is a firm advocate of a raw food diet and has so many cases where his four-legged patients have shown amazing improvements on the right Biologically Appropriate Raw/Fresh Food Diet. See the results for yourself….

    Raw Dog Food Diet case 1 – Micky

    Mickey is such a wonderful case he arrived on a commercial kibble diet and was changed to a BARF diet of meat, meaty bones a small amount of veg and chicken wings… the results are self-explanatory!

    Micky - raw dog food diet

    Raw Dog Food Diet case 2 – Basil

    My second Raw food case was my own dog, Basil. As a practicing vet, I fed what I had been taught was best and so fed the most expensive kibble diet. When Basil reached the age of 3, my wife pointed out he had a horrible smell off his breath. A quick investigation revealed a huge amount of tartar.  I decided to just put him on a raw food diet, stop the kibble and introduce just a BARF diet similar to Mickey above and within 6 weeks Basil had clean spotless teeth and went on to live to just shy of 17 years of age!

    A Dog’s Raw Food Life in Pictures

    Basil, the newly arrived pup
    Basil in his prime
    Basil in his old age inspecting the next generation
    Teeth from a Kibble fed dog

    Note: Not all Kibble fed dogs will have teeth like this, by any manner or means. BUT raw fed dogs almost never have teeth like this. 

    Raw Food Fed Teeth

    The next generation’s teeth, having been totally raw fed from the time we got them! Ms Wigglesworth above and Raisin below, long after Basil did his puppy inspection ????


    2 thoughts on “Bones and Raw Food diet case studies – the evidence behind the science

    1. nutro dog food says:

      I’m considering to foster a dog. I have a quit place were dogs can relax and I have a garden where they can enjoy the sun.
      I already have two sweet dogs of my own but I want to do
      more for dogs in need. I am not sure yet… I need to do a lot more research.
      I am twenty so also studying, I have to see if I can do both.

      But why couldn’t I do both? I managed to take good care of my
      two dogs so why not a third? I love this article, it’s helpful♥️

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