• Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice and principles, not based on modern medical theory or practice. 

  • 6 Tips for Pets Suffering from Joint Pain and Arthritis

    Getting older… it’s something that all our pets face, as well as all us humans! And while getting wiser could be considered one upside of becoming more ‘mature’, increased joint pain and potentially even arthritis is unfortunately a possible (if not probable) downside. Joint pain and stiffness is one of the most common ailments in dogs and although it is often associated with older, large-breed dogs, it can also affect younger dogs. While dogs are more susceptible to arthritis than cats, our elderly feline friends can also suffer in their later years, so it’s important to watch out for signs in your cat too. Causes of joint pain in pets There are many causes of joint pain and arthritis in pets. From hereditary conditions such as hip dysplasia (which is particularly common in some specific breeds of dog such as German Shepherds) to the continual aggravation of old injuries as your pet fails to learn to avoid repeatedly straining the injured parts. If you suspect that your pet has joint problems, a visit to your veterinarian will confirm a diagnosis and eliminate any underlying conditions. Subsequently, there are several key steps to take to help keep your pet as comfortable and as pain-free as possible. Here are our top six tips to help ease your pet’s joint pain:
    • A healthy diet for weight management. Joint pain is more of a problem in obese pets as excess weight puts additional stress on joints and reduces their mobility. Weigh your pet regularly, so you can easily notice and address any fluctuations. A healthy diet is a key starting point for life-long joint health, so ensure that your pet is receiving a healthy, balanced diet. Adding joint-supporting dietary supplements such as chondroitin and glucosamine could be beneficial. However, we would recommend you consult your vet before splashing out on such supplements as they do tend to be expensive and results variable.
    • Plenty of water in the diet. Dehydration can aggravate arthritis in many ways, especially with dry high sugar diets (sugar competes with uric acid for solubility) and particularly in patients with kidney issue and diabetes and uric acid crystals are very sharp causing a lot of joint pain.
    • A little exercise — strenuous exercise can cause damage to your pets’ joints – particularly if they are unfit and not used to it. However, regular, light exercise is crucial for continued joint mobility as it helps to keep things moving and will strengthen the muscles and ligaments around affected joints. One trick we find that works particularly well in dogs with arthritis is to walk them once until you notice that he or she is slowing down, but not at the point where your dog is unable to continue or in extra pain, taking notice of the distance at which that point is reached. Then split that total distance into a few shorter walks over the day. This will help to avoid aggravating the arthritis but give your dog enough exercise to keep limber.
    • Sleeping – A soft but supportive bed to lie on will make your pet more comfortable and help ensure that he or she gets adequate rest time, which is essential for healing and recuperation.
    • Warmth – Ensure that your pet is in a warm environment by placing the bed near a source of heat and away from drafts as cold, damp weather can cause flare-ups. If you live in a cooler environment, consider slipping a sweater on your pet and investing in a good waterproof dog coat for your outdoor activities, particularly with the winter months approaching. If your dog swims (especially in cold water), don’t forget to use a towel or drying mits to dry his coat afterwards. Wool is a great fabric to use for help arthritis as it is extremely warm and also helps to remove the damp from the air around your dog. Just be careful that your pet is not sensitive to wool, or they may find it itchy.
    • Use HomeoPet Joint Stress® – a veterinarian-formulated, homeopathic medicine that provides temporary relief from joint stiffness, soreness, and pain. An increasing number of pets are having adverse reactions to conventional medication—pets with kidney complaints have difficulty tolerating arthritis medications and some pets can also show signs of gastrointestinal irritation from certain medications.  Joint Stress® can be used in conjunction with conventional medication to reduce the dosage to levels where it is side effect free, or to replace it altogether (always do medication changes under the supervision of your veterinarian).  In a survey of dog owners using HomeoPet’s Joint Stress®, there was a positive response in 90 out of 115 (78%) dogs treated for joint problems. This effect can be enhanced further by the addition of Vitamin E to the diet.
      There are few things as soul-lifting than the love of a dog with a stately grey chin or a devoted cat who’s tested the majority of his nine lives. We owe it to our pets to keep them happy and healthy well into their latter years and understanding how to avoid and alleviate joint pain is a crucial starting point. If you would like any further information on Joint Stress®, First Aid® or to discuss your pet’s mobility issues, please contact our Customer Care Line Staff – we’re here to help.  

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